Weave A Tale With Weaver & Loom

WEAVER & LOOM Handmade Rugs

The art of weaving handmade rugs is passed down from generations. Time and intricacy of the weave give master weavers their status. Today, new technologies and notion of disposable goods temper with the preservation of this art form.

We’re set to preserve the old world way of handmade rugs and we’re committed to doing this from our modest showroom in Thornhill. Educating designers and private clients about what’s involved in producing handmade rugs helps our effort to preserve this art form.

We want build up designers so they can offer a better product to their client. Knowing the details of handmade rug production gives them a stronger advantage. We want the conversation to embrace an appreciation of natural fibers, yarn, weaves and less on budget. We can produce exceptional one of a kind handmade rugs at any price point.

This approach makes our weavers happier. It takes 40 + artisans to produce any one rug, so we get to honour their craft in a way that takes them back to the old world way of producing handmade rugs.